
Showing posts from April, 2018

Identity Portrait

Artist Statement: For this piece, I made wings and a crown represent my identity. Wings represent different things in many different cultures. for Hindus, wings show freedom and intelligence. In Ancient Egypt, they represent protection. In Pre-Colombian Cultures, wings represent regeneration and rising, and in Greece, they are a symbol for travel, dreams, impulse, and understanding. The reason I chose to make wings is because I personally identify with many of these representations. I am intelligent, cherish freedom, protect those I love, rise above others perceptions of me, love to travel and dream, and am very understanding of others situations and opinions. I decided to make the wings unattached from the figure to how I often feel detached from society, and to represent the change of beginning college and being only own. For the wings, I tool inspiration specifically from bat and dragon wings. Bats, much like myself, are largely misunderstood creatures. They are


Artist Statement: For this piece, I made a small triangular pyramid with a cube inside. I chose these two shapes for their similarities to dungeons and dragons dice and for the number of sides on them. I  then filled the area between the two shapes with baby oil. This piece represents my experience staying at Flagler College during Hurricane Irma. The clear walls of my momento represent the many windows surrounding the dining hall of Flagler, which is where I spent most of my time. The number of sides represents how there were ten of us who stayed during the hurricane and the shapes represent how we spent most of our down time playing dungeons and dragons as we were not allowed to wander around outside or go to our rooms. The baby oil between the two shapes represents the storm that was going on all around us with the cube in the center remaining dry inside to show how we stayed safe and dry throughout the storm.  Materials: Lexan, Glue, Baby oil Dimensions:

Floating Architecture

Artists Statement: Measurements: Cardboard, White Gesso, Black Paint, Hot Glue Dimensions: 17.4'' x 17.4 x 37.2'' In Progress Photos: Research/ Inspiration: 13789MessagerDETAIL50.jpg

Soap Carvings

Materials: Soap Dimensions: 4.5'' x 2.5'' x 1.6'' In Process Photos: