Identity Portrait

Artist Statement:
For this piece, I made wings and a crown represent my identity. Wings represent different things in many different cultures. for Hindus, wings show freedom and intelligence. In Ancient Egypt, they represent protection. In Pre-Colombian Cultures, wings represent regeneration and rising, and in Greece, they are a symbol for travel, dreams, impulse, and understanding. The reason I chose to make wings is because I personally identify with many of these representations. I am intelligent, cherish freedom, protect those I love, rise above others perceptions of me, love to travel and dream, and am very understanding of others situations and opinions. I decided to make the wings unattached from the figure to how I often feel detached from society, and to represent the change of beginning college and being only own. For the wings, I tool inspiration specifically from bat and dragon wings. Bats, much like myself, are largely misunderstood creatures. They are also a symbol of truth and honesty, and I am blatantly honest. Dragons are passionate, fiery, and adaptable just like I am. I also enjoy dreaming and creating fantasies and dragons are mystical creatures. The light coming in and encompassing the figure represents my positive outlook for the the future. The crown is to show my control over my own identity and how I view life. I chose to photograph in this location because of the circular shapes and mosaic-like tiles. The tiles represent the many different aspects of myself that make up my identity. The large circle that the model is in represents the cycle of life and how life comes from death. It also represents perfection, as I am a perfectionist and strive for perfection in everything I do. The smaller, surrounding circles represent many other aspects of my life, like unity, closure, infinity, totality, and strength. This also largely reminds me of my favorite Epic Poem, Inferno by Dante, in which he largely describes the nine circles of hell. The black and white colors on the model and the wings are made to be all-encompassing. to represent both day and night and good and evil, because I am a mix of both these things and often contradict myself. Overall, this piece represents transition, rebirth, and embracing your identity instead of becoming a prisoner to it.
Wire, Tracing Paper, Paper, Gel Medium, White Gesso, Black Paint, Black tape

68'' x 34'' x 1'' (One Wing)

In Process Photos:


Gladys Paulus

Martha L.McDonald


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